The Secret Language of Leadership

Congratulations! As a purchaser of The Secret Language of Leadership, you get access to all these supplementary leadership tools from all around the world, including US, UK, France, Denmark and Australia, at no extra cost to you.

Note however that some bonus tools are limited in quantity. First-come, first served.

Bonus Tool #1: Jim Kouzes – What’s old, what's new, in leadership? (35 minutes ; MP3)
Bonus Tool #2: Chip Heath – How to make ideas stick (25 minute interview; MP3)
Bonus Tool #3: Larry Prusak on Conversation (60 minutes MP3)
Bonus Tool #4: Kevin Eikenberry: 101 Ways To Be A Remarkable Leader (6 pages)
Bonus Tool #5: Katalina Groh: Ben Zander and The Art of Possibility (streaming video)
Bonus Tool #6: Seth Kahan’s legendary jumpstart storytelling methodology (8 pages)
Bonus Tool #8:
International Leadership Association interview with Harsh Verma (5 pages; pdf)
Bonus Tool #9: Rob Cross: Managing the Energy that Drives Innovation
(20 pages)
Bonus Tool #10: Dave Zinger: Change On A Page (1 page, PDF)
Bonus Tool #11: Tony Ingram: Mythology, Leaders and Leadership (25 pages)

Bonus Tool #12: Steven Sonsino & Jacqueline Moore: The Seven Failings of Really Useless Leaders (25 page pdf)

Bonus Tool #13: Daniele Chauvel & Stefane Baillie-Gee: Leadership en francais (50% disccount on Paris workshop )
Bonus Tool #14: Annette Simmons: Building Trust Several Stories High (13 pages)
Bonus Tool #15: Cliff Atkinson: Getting Started with Beyond Bullet Points (28 pages)
Bonus Tool #16: Lori Silverman: 5 Sides To Every Story: Which Are You Missing? (5 pages)
Bonus Tool #17: Shawn Callahan: The Ultimate Guide to Anecdote Circles (32 pages)
Bonus Tool #18: Richard Stone: The Healing Art of Storytelling (autographed copy)
Bonus Tool #19: Katharine Hansen: Storytelling That Propels Careers (10 pages)
Bonus Tool #20: Svend-Erik Engh - Guide to becoming a better storyteller (9 pages)
Bonus Tool #21: Randy Dipner: Telling the compelling technology story (9 pages)
Bonus Tool #22: Larry Johnson: How Storytelling in School Creates Successful Leaders (63 minute podcast)

Bonus Tool #23: Rachel Carey DeBusk et al: Sharpening Your Culture Quotient (4 megs pdf)
Bonus Tool #24: Connie Ingram: Mentoring in the Mirror (5 page article)

Bonus Tool #25: Stan Garfield: 36 Useful Maxims for Knowledge Sharing (2 pages)
Bonus Tool #26: Steve Denning The hidden side of KM: Risk management (27 pages)
Bonus Tool #27: Steve Denning: What is knowledge management? (20 pages)
Bonus Tool #28: Richard McDermott: Consulting session on building your community of practice (45 minutes)
Bonus Tool #29: Madelyn Blair: Coaching session to keep your knowledge fresh (1 hour)

Bonus Tool #29: Svend-Erik Engh: Telephone coaching session in storytelling (1 hour)
Bonus Tool #30: Michael Margolis: Crafting the right story for innovation (1 hour)
Bonus Tool #31: Connie Ingram: On-line coaching session (1 hour)
Bonus Tool #32: Steve Denning’s leadership exercises and templates (15 pages)
Bonus Tool #33: Steve Denning’s implementation tips and tricks: (90 minutes: MP3)
Bonus Tool #34: Steve Denning's DVD in Streaming video: Mastering the Springboard Story: (54 minutes)
Bonus Tool #35: Steve Denning reads the Preface to The Secret Language of Leadership
Bonus Tool #36: Ten Minutes That Helped Change The World Bank (slides)
Bonus Tool #38: Michelle James: Coaching Session for Entrepreneurs: Your Future Story (1 hour)

Bonus Tool #39: Dave Snowden: Facilitating Innovation Within An Organization (3 pages

New Bonus Tool
dave snowden

Bonus Tool #39: Dave Snowden: Facilitating Inovation Within The Organization (NEW)

Here's a new bonus tool from Dave Snowden, whose wonderful article, "A Leader's Framework for Decision Making," appears in November's Harvard Business Review. Copyright prevents him from making that article available here. But you can get a lot of the same insights from his 2004 article, "Facilitating Innovation Within the Organisation": it describes the process by which finance can support innovation within the organization (from The Institute of Chartered Accountants - Faculty of Finance and Management: September 2004 Newsletter). Read it here

Valuable Leadership Tools
Jim Kouzes

Bonus Tool #1: Interview with Jim Kouzes (35 minutes audio)

Jim Kouzes’s book, The Leadership Challenge, co-authored with Barry Posner, has already sold several million copies and has just been published in a fourth edition. In this 35 minute interview, Jim talks about both what's new and what's timeless in the field of leadership. Click here
Chip Heath

Bonus Tool #2: Interview with Chip Heath (25 minutes audio)

Chip Heath’s book, Made to Stick (Random House) went right to the top of the best-seller list when it was published in January 2007, and has remained there ever since. In this 25 minute interview, Chip talks about what makes an idea be remembered and implemented. Click here
Larry Prusak

Bonus Tool #3: Larry Prusak discusses conversation in organizations (60 minute audio)

The Secret Language of Leadership presents leadership as an interactive conversation. In this 60 minute presentation, knowledge guru, Larry Prusak, talks about the role of conversation in organizations. He explains how to go about transforming antagonistic management talk into energizing conversation. Click here
Kevin Eikenberry

Bonus Tool #4: Kevin Eikenberry: 101 Ways to Become a Remarkable Leader (6 pages, pdf)

This Special Report will inform you . . . and inspire you with things you can do every day to become more of what you were meant to be!

It contains 101 specific things you can do - regardless of how busy you are
- to continue on your personal path towards remarkable leadership and remarkable results.

Get your bonus tool here

Katalina Groh

Bonus Tool #5: Katalina Groh: The Art of Possibility (streaming video)

Whether you have experienced the acclaimed Leadership: An Art of Possibility film or are new to Groh Productions, please enjoy the bonus content from our inspiring Possibility Series, retail value $1,495, absolutely free! To get access, click here

Seth Kahan

Bonus Tool #6: Seth Kahan’s “jumpstart storytelling” (8 pages)

An ability to get people quickly working together is a key aspect of The Secret Language of Leadership. In this 8 page paper, Seth Kahan offers his famous methodology for jumpstart storytelling, which can large numbers of people working together fast. Download here.
ILA logo

Bonus Tool #8: Interview with Harsh Verma, author of The Avatar Way of Leadership (5 pages)

Each month the International Leadership Association (ILA) interviews a member-author of a recent leadership book and shares excerpts of that book with its membership. In this interview with Harsh Verma, author of The Avatar Way of Leadership, the reader will learn about a model of leadership in India based on the literature of three mythical Indian figures. Download here.

To discover more about how the ILA can help you connect with new colleagues, discover fresh ideas, and share your unique piece of the leadership puzzle visit:

Rob Cross

Bonus Tool #9: Rob Cross: Managing The Energy That Drives Innovation

Rob Cross, University of Virginia, Jane C. Linder, Accenture Institute for High Performance Business and Andrew Parker, Stanford University: (19 pages) Leaders readily acknowledge that energized employees are more likely to produce valuable innovations than those who have become passive or reactionary. The coauthors studied 15 organizations to identify ways energy is created and diffused in networks. This article illustrates the substantial impact that energizing interactions have on innovation as well as three important ways managers can influence energy and innovation in strategically important groups. Download here

Dave Zinger

Bonus Tool #10: Dave Zinger: Change On A Page (1 page)

Brevity is the soul of wit, and here Dave Zinger show why. Are you on the same page when talking about change? Dave, an expert on employee engagement and strength based leadership, offers a powerful one page perspective on change: CHANGE IS. David offers 7 cogent concepts to give you a quick handle on change. Download here

Tony Quinlan

Bonus Tool #11: Tony Quinlan: Mythology, leaders and leadership (article, 25 pages)

In every culture, certain events and individuals stand out – becoming legendary in their re-telling. And each story will reinforce some value within the organisation – but not always the one that we think it’s telling. In this article, the chief storyteller of the UK firm, Narrate, Tony Quinlan explores the relationship between leadership and mythology. Download here.

Steven Sonsino

Bonus Tool #12: Steven Sonsino & Jacqueline Moore: The Seven Failings of Really Useless Leaders (30 page chapter and Webinar)

We generally learn more from our failures than our successes. In their insightful book chapter and webinar, Steven Sonsino and Jackqueline Moore show not only how really useless leaders kill explanation, emotion, engagement, enthusiasm, rewards, culture, trust and action but also how to do the opposite and inspire people to higher levels of performance, productivity and profitability. Download the chapter here. Get free access to the Webinar here.

Daniele Chauvel

Bonus Tool #13: Daniel Chauvel and Stephane Baillie-Gee: Leadership (en francais): Workshop in Paris (50% discount)

Aujourd’hui le leadership c’est pour chacun, et pour une durée limitée, la capacité d'intégrer et d'exprimer sa vision, de se donner et de donner aux autres les moyens d'apprendre et de partager l'expérience, d'accompagner et de piloter le changement, et enfin, le cas échéant, de poser les limites. Séminaire pour deux jours en français à Paris, 13, rue des Ecoles, Paris 5°, France le 29-30 janvier 2008, donné par Daniéle Chauvel et Stephane Baillie-Gee. Détailles à Pour enregistrer, envoyer an email à Le prix normale est 1300 € HT. IVous bénéficierez d’un rabais de 50% et vous épargnerez  650 € HT, si vous mentionnez le codeword « SecretBonusInnotiimi ».

Valuable narrative tools

Annette Simmons

Bonus Tool #14: Annette Simmons: Building Trust Several Stories High (13 pages)

Current interpretations of rational decision-making may systematically erode trust between individuals working in/with organizations. In this article, storytelling guru, Annette Simmons, presents storytelling as a powerful tool for blending imprecise, technically irrational yet vitally relevant perceptions of fairness back into rational decision making without abandoning the ideals of rationality or floating into never-ending relativism. Download here

Cliff Atkinson

Bonus Tool #15: Cliff Atkinson: Getting Started with Beyond Bullet Points (38 pages)

Transform your presentations--and boost your impact--with practical, easy-to-apply techniques for using PowerPoint 2007. Best-selling author Cliff Atkinson is helping revolutionize the way Fortune 500 companies design and deliver their critical PowerPoint presentations. Download an advance chapter from the new edition of Beyond Bullet Points (Microsoft Press, 2007). Download here

Lori Silverman

Bonus Gift #16: Lori Silverman: Five Sides to Story: Which Are You Missing?" (5 pages, pdf)

In this article from Communication World, storytelling expert Lori Silverman uses examples from organizations around the world to highlight five practices surrounding the use of stories. Also revealed for the first time, showcasing the true power of stories, are the aggregate results from the more than 70 examples in her book, Wake Me Up When the Data Is Over: How Organizations Use Stories to Drive Results. Download here

Shawn Callahan

Bonus Tool #17: The Ultimate Guide to Anecdote Circles (32 pages)

Shawn Callahan is Founder of Anecdote, an Australian corporate anthropology firm that helps companies retain valuable knowledge when people retire, facilitates change management, helps assess the impact of hard to measure initiatives (like culture change or learning programs) and helps foster effective knowledge flow and collaboration. This guide to anecdote circles will show you how to find stories in your organisation so you can better understand what's really happening. Download here (1 megabyte)

Richard Stone Healing Art

Bonus Tool #18: Richard Stone: The Healing Art of Storytelling (autographed book) (ALREADY CLAIMED)

Storytelling is not merely an art; it is a lifeline to understanding, both between persons and within an individual psyche. Richard Stone's book offers a series of exercises to help individuals reclaim and polish the stories our real lives are waiting for us to tell. An an excellent resource for teachers, seniors, and spiritual seekers. Note: this offer was limited to the first person to apply. The first person was Mike Cormack, Lidcombe, NSW, Australia.

Katherine Hansen

Bonus Tool #19: Katharine Hansen: Tell Me About Yourself: Storytelling that Propels Careers (10 pages)

This chapter of Katharine Hansen's book focuses on a powerful use of storytelling - telling stories to advance your career, whether by moving up in your current organization or landing a job in a new organization. Download here.

Learn more about the author, Katharine Hansen, here:

Svend-Erik Engh

Bonus Tool #20: Guide to crafting a better story: Svend-Erik Engh (9 pages)

Svend-Erik Engh is a master storyteller in Denmark and he has been teaching for 20 years, in universities, high schools and in business. Svend-Erik shows here how to improve your story so that it fits your purpose. Download here.

Randy Dipner

Bonus Tool #21: Randy Dipner & Mark Henry: Telling the Compelling Technology Story (9 pages)

Telling a compelling story about innovative technology should be easy, but for many writers it is a challenge. In “Telling Your Technology Story” Randy Dipner and Mark Henry, the SBIR Guys, present a concise methodology for presenting you technology story in a way that will win support from decision-makers and business plan readers. Download here

Larry Johnson

Bonus Tool #22: Larry Johnson: How Storytelling In Schools Creates Successful Leaders(63 minute podcast)

Larry Johsnon is frequently running into young adults who credit the opportunity to work on storytelling in a comfortable setting in school with giving them the courage and ability to stand in front of groups and talk, with story, as activists, as trainers, or as small business leaders. That's because the skill of communicating and connecting (which story does) orally is central to leadership. This podcast is about why and how to help school children love storytelling and let it impact and strengthen their inherent leadership in family, work, and community. To get access click here

Rachel DeBusk

Bonus Tool #23: Rachel Carey DeBusk et al: Sharpening Your Culture Quotient (8 pages, pdf)

Culture Mine is a trio of consulting partners—Debbie Cullen, Rachel Carey DeBusk, and Stokley Towles—committed to helping organizations develop a stronger identity through knowing and telling their stories. In this colorful 8 page paper, the trio use a series of stories to explore how the cultures of organizations can help or hinder their success. The piece concludes with some suggestions for leaders looking to explore cultural dynamics in their companies. Download here

Connie Ingram

Bonus Tool #24: Connie Ingram: Mentoring In the Mirror (5 pages)

Very often we can clearly see what others need to succeed. However, it is more difficult to view our own “blind spots”.  Mentoring in the mirror will help women take a closer look at the details of their fulfillment in the workplace and as women. Connie Ingram, at, addresses the question: How can women find fulfillment in their careers and in the workplace in the midst of a masculine oriented work world? Download here

Valuable knowledge management tools
Stan Garfield

Bonus Tool #25: Stan Garfield: 36 Useful Maxims for Sharing Knowledge, Leadership and Personal Growth (2 pages)

Knowledge sage, Stan Garfield, was asked what are the tried and true ‘classics’ and what are the newer or ‘emergent’ maxims that you find yourself relying on in your current conversations. The result is this fascinating collection of insights.
Download here

Steve Denning, author of The Secret Language of Leadership

Bonus Tool #26: The dark side of KM: Risk management (27 pages)

Knowledge management has tended to focus on sharing what we already know, and paid insufficient attention to dealing with what we don’t know, i.e. risk. The current economic instability flowing from the sub-prime mortgage debacle shows the costs of not management risk. In this 27 page paper, Steve Denning defines risk management, analyzes its role and modalities and shows what can—and cannot—be done about it. Download here

Steve Denning, author of The Secret Language of Leadership

Bonus Tool #27: What is knowledge management? (20 pages)

This classic paper (20 pages) was a critical input into the 1998 World Development Report on knowledge. Although nine years old, its insights have stood the test of time. Now unavailable on Amazon, you can get it here. Download here

Coaching & Mentoring Sessions
Cultivating Communities of Practice

Bonus Tool 28: Richard McDermott: Free coaching 45 minute free consulting/feedback session on community building (NEW - LIMITED QUANTITIES)

Richard McDermott is co-author of the classic work on creating communities of practice, "Cultivating Communities of Practice" (Harvard Business School Press, 2002). He is the subject matter expert for the largest international study of the impact of communities on individual and organizational performance. Richard is offering 45 minutes free consulting and feedback on community building. The offer is limited to one per organization, and a total of twenty overall. You would pay dearly for this in the marketplace. Here Richard is offering it for free. Apply here using the codeword, "SecretBonusMcDermott".

Madelyn Blair

Bonus Tool #29: Madelyn Blair: Free Coaching To Keep Your Knowledge Fresh: One hour (SORRY -- SOLD OUT)

If you feel that you are not able to stay current or otherwise keep up with changes in your field of work or interest, you might consider a strategy that will allow you to keep your knowledge fresh and alive. Madelyn Blair has been working in this field for the last 20 years and comes with latest ideas on knowledge and information. She is offering 1 hour of free coaching in this new field. (Skype available) NOTE This offer was limited to the first ten people who apply. SORRY - ALL PLACES HAVE NOW BEEN TAKEN.

Svend-Erik Engh

Bonus Tool #30: Improve your storytelling: one-hour FREE coaching by Svend-Erik Engh (LIMITED QUANTITIES)

Svend-Erik Engh is a master storyteller in Denmark and he has been teaching for 20 years, in universities, high schools and in business. Svend-Erik will show you how to improve your story so that it fits your purpose. (Skype available) NOTE This offer is limited to the first twenty people who apply. To apply for coaching, contact Svend-Erik here, including your Skype number, and the codeword, "SecretBonusEngh"

Michael Margolis

Bonus Tool #31: Michael Margolis: Free telephone coaching session on “Crafting the right story for Innovation” (1 hour). (LIMITED QUANTITIES)

Who do you need to believe in your story? Michael Margolis, President of THIRSTY-FISH, is offering free telephone coaching sessions on how to craft the right story for innovation — whether it applies to your (1) business, (2) social issue or (3) thought initiative. This session will help you connect to the essence of your story and how to frame it for persuasive impact. If you'd like to be one of the fifteen (15) people to take advantage of this offer, Contact Michael here, including the codeword, "SecretBonusMargolis".

Connie Ingram

Bonus Tool #32: Connie Ingram: Free On-Line Mentoring Session for Women (One hour) (SOLD OUT)

Very often we can clearly see what others need to succeed. However, it is more difficult to view our own “blind spots”. Connie Ingram's mentoring ( addresses the question: How can women take a closer look at the details of their fulfillment in the workplace and find fulfillment in their careers and in the workplace in the midst of a masculine oriented work world. NOTE This offer was limited to the first five people who apply. SORRY: ALL PLACES ARE NOW TAKEN. However if you weren't in the first five, Connie is willing to offer a discount. Contact her here.

Steve Denning's Bonus Tools
Steve Denning

Bonus Tool #33: Leadership exercises and templates (15 pages)

One of the things that makes Steve Denning’s workshops for leaders so valuable is the set of leadership exercises and templates that he uses. Here they are, including some that are not included in The Secret Language of Leadership, and some never published before. (PDF) Download here.

Seth and Steve

Bonus Tool #34: Tips and tricks on implementing the book (90 min. audio)

Steve Denning’s discusses with business revolutionary, Seth Kahan, how to go about implementing the principles of the The Secret Language of Leadership: with practical advice on how to get maximum value from the language of leadership, including (1) the enablers of leadership; (2) the language of leadership; and (3) the meaning of leadership. Click here

Steve Denning

Bonus Tool #35: Mastering the Springboard Story (54 minutes streaming video)

The springboard story is the most valuable of the leadership stories. That's because it performs the central task of leadership: communicating a complex idea and sparking action. Steve Denning’s training DVD, on Mastering the Art of the Springboard Story, a 54 minute video, normally sells for $299. Here you get it in streaming video at no additional cost to you. To get access, click here.

Steve Denning, author of The Secret Language of Leadership

Bonus Tool #36: Steve Denning reads the Preface to The Secret Language of Leadership (34 minute audio)

In the Preface to The Secret Language of Leadership, Steve Denning tells the story of his own leadership journey.

"I don’t think I have ever read a more compelling preface." 

  James MacGregor Burns, author of Leadership

Click here

Steve Denning, author of The Secret Language of Leadership

Bonus Tool #37: Ten Minutes That Helped Change the World Bank (slides)

In The Secret Language of Leadership, I describe a ten-minute presentation to the Change Management Committee of the World Bank in April 1996, which had a dramatic effect on its immediate audience, and ultimately the whole organization. Here you can see the slides of that presentation. (PDF of PowerPoint slides) Download here.

Additional Bonus Tools
Michelle James

Bonus Tool #38: Michelle James: Free telephone coaching session for Entrepreneurs “Creating Your Future Story” (1 hour). (LIMITED QUANTITIES)

Emerging your future story leads to fresh business ideas and approaches. Michelle James, CEO of The Center for Creative Emergence and business creativity coach, is offering free telephone coaching sessions for entrepreneurs to develop the story of what's next in your business based on what's most alive for you. In the session, you will access and cultivate the emergent story upon which you can take inspired action. NOTE This offer is limited to the first fifteen people who apply. Send an email to Michelle here with the codeword, BonusGiftJames

dave snowden

Bonus Tool #39: Dave Snowden: Facilitating Inovation Within The Organization (NEW)

Here's a new bonus tool from Dave Snowden, whose wonderful article, "A Leader's Framework for Decision Making," appears in November's Harvard Business Review. Copyright prevents him from making that article available here. But you can get a lot of the same insights from his 2004 article, "Facilitating Innovation Within the Organisation": it describes the process by which finance can support innovation within the organization (from The Institute of Chartered Accountants - Faculty of Finance and Management: September 2004 Newsletter). Read it here

DVD cover

Special offer for bulk purchasers of The Secret Language of Leadership (LIMITED TIME ONLY)

BUY 20 COPIES AND GET A FREE DVD: If you buy twenty copies (or more) of this book ON OR BEFORE OCTOBER 26, 2007, for your boss, your subordinates, your colleagues, your friends and your family you can get a free training DVD on mastering the springboard story, which normally sells for US$299. Just send a copy of your purchase details, your mailing address, and include the codeword, "SecretBonusBulk", to or fax to me at the following fax number: USA: 202-686-0591, and I’ll send you the DVD at no additional cost to you.

Thank you for ordering. Enjoy the book and your bonus tools!
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Questions? Please e-mail me or write to me at: Steve Denning, 4515 Klingle Street NW, Washington DC 20016.

Note: This offer is not associated or affiliated with or Barnes & Noble.