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Second generation issues in knowledge management

This section has covered the seven basics of knowledge management – strategy, organization, budget, community, technology, incentives and measurement – that need to be put in place to launch an enterprise-wide knowledge-sharing program.

Once these basics are in place, then the attention can turn to second generation issues, including measuring and accelerating the culture shift, integrating knowledge sharing with learning and research, streamlining the structures that were needed to launch the knowledge sharing program, strengthening the communities of practice, and improving the technology tools.

The use of narratives to transfer knowledge is an area that has great potential: see chapter 8 of The Leader's Guide to Storytelling.

Maintaining an enduring enthusiasm for sharing knowledge is another challenge that mature KM programs face. The language of leadership can help here: The Secret Language of Leadership

The approach adopted here sees knowledge sharing as an integral component of business strategy. Knowledge management is not something separate from the rest of the organization, requiring a separate organization and staff. The basics are aimed at weaving knowledge sharing into the fabric of the organization in order to enhance overall enterprise performance.


Stephen Denning, The Springboard: How Storytelling Ignites Action in Knowledge-Era Organizations. Boston, London, Butterworth Heinemann, October 2000.

Stephen Denning: The Leader's Guide to Storytelling (Jossey-Bass, 2005) chapter 8.
Stephen Denning: The Secret Language of Leadership: How Leaders Inspire Action Through Narrative (Jossey-Bass, October 2007)

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